Petr Philippov


Petr Filippov was born in 1973 into a family of artists. 
He graduated from the “Krasnopresněnskaja” art school in Moscow. Since 1990 he has been working as a graphic designer in the Moscow bus depot #5 In the early 1990s, together with Mikhail Uchov and Stas Shuripa, he led the group "Uranium Project'' (Hooray! New Project). 
In collaboration with the ABC Gallery took part in the Art-Moscow, “Universam” art fair and art fairs in Vienna and Stockholm. 
In the years 2008 - 2010 Petr worked for the Expert magazine as an illustrator. 
In 2013 the artist moved to Prague and studied 2 years at SCHOLASTIKA Art School, Petr Filippov lives and works in the Czech Republic

2023 - Launching Public Model, Shoreditch Arts Club, London 2023 - Klein und farblos, Ludwigshafen 2021 - Ruka na konci ramene, Humpolec. 2020 - The Unforgettable, Might-have-been Love 2019 - Výstavní projekt Jaké hranice? Prague, Jihlava. 2018 - Petr Philippov: Světlá Hmota/The White matter, 35m2, Praha 2016 - Upidemom go! Galerie SPZ, Praha 2016 - První sjezd Svazu sovětských umělců, Tranzitdisplay, Praha 2015 - Scholastika - atelier malby. 2015 - Náhodní chodci pomáhají, auta překáží, Karlín Studios, Praha 2015 - Scholastika - atelier malby. 2014 - Petr a drogy, Donská 15, Praha 2014 - Reconstruction 2, XL gallery, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art 2013 - Složka diverzanta/Saboteur's File, solo exhibition at DIY - Prague 2012 - OFIS in LifeBomb, Leipzig
Old Stuff for Friends is Here:
2008 - "About the Park" Cheriomushky Gallery, Moscow “Abstract Portrait” together with Ivan Avaliani ABC gallery. Moscow 2007 - “Liquid Crystal Potential Difference Graphics”  ABC.ETC Group Show in KRINZINGER PROJEKTE , Vienna 2006 - Sequences, ABC gallery, Moscow 2004 - Byliom Poroslo (Zarostlé minulostí) solo exhibition. ABC Gallery, Moscow 1997 - 2005 Účastnil se skupinových výstav Svazu umělců.  1996 - Uranovy Project. Group Show. Co-author (with M. Uhov and S. Shuripa) of “HURRAHnovyi Proekt“ /“HURANIUM Project“/ Aidan Gallery. Moscow  1995 - Peschano-Tarakano Vs 11, Group exhib. Moscow 1994 - “Co to je?” (What is it?) Nikor“ gallery, Group Show. Moscow 1993 - The Emerging Artists Exibition at the Kuznecky Most city-hall, Moscow